Wednesday, March 16, 2011

thank you

Thank you all so much for your kind words via cards, email and Facebook! It is a joy to be a witness to how many lives just one life can impact!

Some of you have been asking about bringing meals....thank you! Please contact Linda Springer, as she is helping us by organizing them. (360-779-3185)

We are looking forward to next Wednesday being a wonderful celebration. My dad is now with our Savior, and living life to the fullest with the Light of Life himself!

God bless,


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Memorial Service

The memorial service for my dad will be Wednesday, March 23, at 2pm at Christ Memorial Church (Gateway Fellowship) in Poulsbo.

We welcome any notes or cards of memories, words of encouragement, or ways he impacted your life. Feel free to send them to us before the service, or there will be a basket at the memorial for you to place them into.

More stories to come on the blog about how God has been with us through this journey today. God is Good!

Thank you all again for your prayers and support during this time.


Face to Face with the Lord

Marc passed away just before 10:00 this morning. Most of the immediate family was there at the time and God was faithful to answer our most ferverent prayer that his passing would be without stuggle.

During this time, we ask that you would give the family space by refraining from phone calls, visit and such. We know that you are such a giving people and want to help give back to someone who has given so much. Feel free to send a note in the mail, or post a note on Facebook.

If you are one that is inclined to want to purchase flowers for the family, we ask that you would honor Marc and us by giving to the organization that he helped start called Finishing The Task, which has a goal to introduce Jesus to tribes and cultures that have never heard the name of Jesus.

You can give via the link below and will need to designate your missions giving as, "FTT." You can also drop a gift off at the church office at the giving kiosk or in our church services.

We are doing well. We are glad dad's struggle is over, and we know he is in a much better place...face to face with the Lord.

We will continue to post information on this blog.

Mario & Michelle

Friday, March 11, 2011

I will praise Him

I lay down to nap this afternoon and my mind was full of memories. Rich, warm memories of playing at the beach at San Pedro. Us kids laughing, playing in the sand, burying each other, and my mom, dad, and grandad's laughter and smiles. Such good memories.

They come at a wonderful time. As my dad continues to decline, and his death is eminent, it's good to recall some of the wonderful memories. Today has been full of struggles, and it is hard to watch my dad suffer so. But a verse in Psalms came to mind, reminding me that no matter what happens, I know God is good. "I have seen you in the sanctuary, beheld your power and your glory, because your love is better than life I live to glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live, and in Your name I will lift up my hands." I can't recall the reference...but I know the SEEDS song. Glad it plays over and over again in my mind to remind me of truth during hard times. I HAVE seen God in so many ways and so many times over the course of my life. I have known his power and glory. And no matter what comes my way, I will praise Him.

Thank you for your continued prayer support during this time.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011


As many of you know my dad continues to decline weekly, if not daily. We sometimes get a "new normal" for a week or two, and then decline a bit, and start a "new normal". But sometimes it's a shorter span of time, even just a day, and the decline starts again and we think my dad might go be with the Lord that day.  Today was one of the harder days. We know that this earth is not his home, and he is Heaven bound. Could be days, could be weeks, could be months. That is in the Lord's hands. Thank you all for your continued support as we continue on this journey.

A funny story (to end today's blog on a positive note) is yesterday was Mario's birthday...and we celebrated by having dinner over at my parents. JP, Rie, & Missy were there too! Just as Mario entered the house Ethan and Senna ran out to Mario yelling "surprise!!", and then came Marcelo bobbing along after them. He too yelled "surprise!" and ran straight past Mario and to the door...wanting to see the surprise! =) What a funny site for us all to witness. Including my dad who had a perfect view of the whole thing from his bed in the living room.

God bless! And thank you all again for all your wonderful prayers, encouragement, and support!


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Eye Gaze

Great news! The eye gaze arrived on Thursday! Thank you all for your prayers!

We still need to program info into it, but we are excited about the possibilities. It is amazing the technology that exists. To think that my dad's eye can be the mouse is incredible!

Thank you again for all your prayers!


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Birthday Blessings!

Today is my dad's birthday, and we have been having a great time celebrating his life! Yesterday we had a birthday party while JP was home. Just the family, but fun none the less! The little kids certainly make everything lively! Mom and dad have a little kids kitchen, so the kids "cooked" us all sorts of things to eat. And Marcelo really likes to throw the sponge basketball....especially at Papa....which makes my dad laugh and smile...only encouraging Marcelo to throw it at him again. =)

Senna gave dad a beautiful picture of her kissing her Papa!  It is now hanging just above my dad's head.  It is so great for our little ones to still connect with my dad, even if he can't do things as he used to.

Today, Ethan had a "date" with Papa. It was a body painting date! Ethan first painted with body paint all over his own legs. Then asked me to paint on his face (a rainbow, a beach ball, and car). Then, with all these decorations, Ethan asked Papa if he could paint his legs for his birthday. So, my dad has all sorts of things painted all over his legs right now. Including three dinosaurs, several shapes, a coffee mug, a various other designs. Let me tell you that today's birthday date was filled with smiles, giggles, and laughter. It was a good birthday!

Health wise my dad is having a good day as well. He still have very thick secretions, but overall he is breathing well today. Each week he continues to decline, some weeks more than others. But we know that's going to happen. So, in the midst of all of this, we attempt to create more positive family memories together. I think yesterday and today were two great ones!

I wonder if my mom will let Ethan birthday body paint her this Thursday for her birthday? Hmmmmm.....

Thank you all for your continued prayers and support!


Sunday, January 2, 2011


This Christmas was a wonderful time for our family. It would not have been so wonderful and blessed without the DELICIOUS Christmas dinner a family in the church made for us! We were so spoiled by incredible food! It really helped make the day seem more like Christmas. Without those items we would still have gotten together...but I wouldn't have been surprised at all had we ordered pizza or something...because it's just too much to try to have "all the fixins" AND care give for my dad AND keep an eye on the little ones (making sure Marcelo in particular doesn't switch all the dials on the cough assist machine, or anything else with buttons)!
As we knew would happen with ALS, my dad continues to decline. Some days it is hard for any of us to make out what he is saying because his speech is so slurred. Other days he is much easier to understand. Each day is different. In fact a morning can be quite different than an afternoon or evening.

He continues to enjoy listening to audio books, and watch tv....particularly football these days. And he has become an avid watcher of Jeopardy and Who Wants to be a Millionaire. Previous to being bedridden he hardly took time to watch tv (unless it was 24). But, if he ever was in the room when Jeopardy or Millionaire was on he always knew the answers. Even now you can sometimes hear his slurred voice trying to get out the answer before the contestant does. =)

A prayer request we'd love to have you join us in is for an eye "mouse" to become available for dad. I'm not sure of the technical name for it, but he has this speaking computer that can speak on his behalf...but right now it requires touch. But there is this eye gaze piece that allows his eyes to be a mouse and click what he wants to say. He is next on the ALS Associations list to receive one should one be donated. He was supposed to receive one the end of November, but the family that donated it had some sort of family feud about it and it's ended up in the Kent Police station. As far as I know it is still there until the family works something out. Whether it is this particular eye gaze or a different one, it sure would be helpful in communicating with my dad.

Thanks for your prayers and support! Happy New Year!
