Sunday, November 16, 2008

Thanks for your prayers and concern for me. Carol went with me for my check-up at the UW Medical Center ALS Clinic Nov 12 and the news was very encouraging. As expected, I am losing some strength on my right side but they were pleasantly surprised that it had not progressed even more. They pulled and pushed and said, "Wow." This disease results in muscle loss, thus weight loss. Praise God when they weighed me Nov 12 I had not lost any weight.

So far, my progression has been slow. That is an answer to prayer. They checked my ability to swallow by eating crackers, applesauce, and cheese and drinking water. I still have 100% swallowing ability. Praise God. The speech therapist checked my speaking ability and it has not decreased at all. I still need to slow down and articulate clearly, and I'm doing the best I can, although I've spent most of my life talking fast (you think so?). This must be an answer to prayer by some of you who prayed, "Lord, please help Marc speak a bit slower." Your prayers are working on that issue, too!

For me, healing from the Great Physician includes more than a complete healing from this disease - I am wide open for that, and let's keep praying for it! It includes slowing the progression and minimizing strength loss and fatigue.

I could not have a more supportive wife in Carol and in my family. For those of you who know us, it comes as no surprise that we are dealing with this disease and its ramifications together. This is not Marc's disease, it's my family's disease. We've chosen to deal with it with eyes wide open, not denying anything but living in reality, and going on with our lives. That's why we traveled to Japan and Hawaii recently. We spend a lot of time laughing, enjoying our lives and talking about a great future. Further, I can't think of a more supportive and caring congregation than CMC. You continually lift my spirits.

Thanks again for seeking the Lord for us. God hears and answers prayer. He knows what's best and my heart rests in him.